Who, me?

A Graphic Designer and multimedia artist living in Ithaca, New York, I believe that learning is never done and in the unending pursuit of improvement. I have always been driven by a desire to capture concepts and refine ideas visually, always practicing the language of two dimensions to stay fluent and inquisitive.

Design lives in the space between visual expression and information, not necessarily just an art or a science, but a challenge, a puzzle. The solution exists, surely many do, but can you find it?

As a problem-solving designer, I’m driven by my desire to optimize, repair, and perfect. I am passionate about brand strategy and client experience overall. I don’t know who doesn’t love a cohesive brand campaign, really, but the clear impact that thoughtful branding and marketing approaches make are my favorite methods of gauging a project’s success. Watching the way people interact with a company’s personality and getting the opportunity to implement that feedback brings in that sociological, human element that I can’t get enough of. As long as I can remember, I’ve been a visual thinker, a doodler, a conceptual-adventurer. So, of course these are all things that I bring into my work. I love finding a way to inject a project with personality using hand-rendered illustrative imagery or pattern-work, but also enjoy the sense of completion in delivering clean, corporate solutions as well. Regardless of the level of artistic individuality I am able to add to a project, I relish every opportunity to deliver a client’s vision above what they thought it could be and to be a part of their brand or entity.

In all mediums, I am moved by work that pairs the dramatic with the minimal, by the continual pursuit and pushing of the balance between voice and execution—and of course the results that can come after giving your process the time and dedication it needs to take you there.


Let’s talk about it.